Financial Study for Sustainable Computing e-Infrastructures

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e-FISCAL legacy

The e-FISCAL project ran from 1st August 2011 to 31st January 2013, running workshops, collecting state of the art, produding deliverables, presentations and other documents as well as building tools that can be used for quick self-assessment for different ICT service organisations.

The future cost assessments of HTC infrastructure will be done annually in the context of the EGI Compendium effort using the e-FISCAL methodology. The results will be published annually, usually in Summer. For more information, please consult the Compendium documents on the site. The tools developed by the project will remain available on the website as long they remain relevant for the community.

Services and consultancy

The project partners will also be able to offer consulting services on different issues related to e-Infrastructure and cost and performance assessment. Please send a message using the project contact form or contact one of the partners directly:


The project team would like to extend a big thank you everyone who made project's success possible: survey respondents, workshop participants, advisory board, experts, reviewers, members of the linkedin group - and of course European Commission who provided co-funding for the project under contract number RI-283449!