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The e-FISCAL project has concluded its operations and concluded its survey..
The pages related to actual survey execution are retained "as is" to provide background reference for interpreting the results of the survey. The methodology and benchmarking pages should also be useful reference material for performing similar surveys. Please consult also the "What next" page for information related to follow-up activities of the project.
To refine and verify the data collected so far, the project has created two concise versions of the questionnaire:
- An excel version (please fill in this version if possible)
- A concise on-line version (if above is not possible, please fill this version. This is mostly suitable for centres with confidentiality issues)
For any questions related to the questionnaire please contact or send a message using the contact page.
The questionnaire is targeted to NGIs, national HPC coordinators, but also to individual HTC/HPC centres. It has two main sections. The first covers the necessary input data for the calculation of the total yearly cost of ownership (amortized investment costs and operating expenses and the second is related to the sustainability outlook and Green IT aspects).
The answers given will be considered as strictly confidential and the project will only publish statistically processed results that guarantee anonymity of participants. For this reason even partially completed questionnaires are valuable for the project. The survey methodology page provides more detailed information on the design of the survey.
The results of e-FISCAL will be presented in final project workshop that will be organized in Amsterdam on the week of at the 28th of January, 2013.